Today I was about learning….how to do to quality blog posts My new learning to get prizes by getting blog posts
I enjoyed…typing I found it challenging to... learn my words
Next time I would change... my font
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Today I was about learning….how to do to quality blog posts My new learning to get prizes by getting blog posts
I enjoyed…typing I found it challenging to... learn my words
Next time I would change... my font
I enjoyed… typing I found it challenging to... read the words because I can get muct up with the words I read
Next time I would change... my font
I enjoyed… typing I found it challenging to... to read the tricky words
Next time I would change... the picture
Today I was…. writing about my kapa haka My new learning was...really nothing
I enjoyed…doing the haka that was yesterday I found it challenging to... to remember the words in the songs
Next time I would change... the highlights